I Like


I am so grateful to LeeAnna for inviting me to play along with a great group of women who post about what they like on Thursday every week.

  The prompt for this week is:

"Do you speak more than one language? What was is like to learn it? Is

there a language you'd like to learn, please tell us why.

are there words in other languages that sound fun to you, or even
English words that you like and make you happy? "

I do not speak another language.  My mother was French but she did not speak it much and I only ever learned a few words.  Since French is the second language in Canada we were taught it in school but I didn't care for it.  Honestly, sometimes even English feels like a second language to me.  I think my art speaks more clearly!

There are some words that I love the sounds.  I think they are just made-up words but they make me smile every time I hear them.

skadoosh from Kung Fu Panda
baffo from White Christmas
narf from Pinky and the Brain

Last year I started making a collage card every day.  I had a large sized deck of cards that I was using as the base.  Each card was made freely with nothing specific in mind.  I just cut out pictures of things that appealed to me and glued them down.  I got sidetracked from the project and came back to it in February when I finished the deck.

The intention was to use these collage cards as writing prompts.  Pull a card and just write freely about what comes up.  Today I finally did that exercise.  I am going to be brave and post what I wrote here.

Look who is peeking out from under the flowers.  Her eyes are rich with strength and confidence.  She is no longer willing to hide.  She deserves to be seen and heard.  Her colours sparkle and fill the world with joy.  The tear glistens with fear as it pours down her cheek.  The cry no longer choked in her throat.  

The making of the collage cards was interesting and playful.  I am hoping to use them often to open up the writing part of my brain.  


LA Paylor said…
we speak Artish!
I loved this post... and wish I could sit next to your Mama and have her teach me some phrases. Just the other day, I wish I'd known to ask my grandmother about her life, how it was to cope with war, how she dealt with the depression. I was too young to know how a love of history would grow in me.
LOVE the art exercise, so much.
Love the idea of combining your lovely (and I like the petals a lot) visual piece with an evocative written piece. It's amazing how a scene can be set in so few words isn't it? wowie
I think art is definitely another language, and your art tells a lot about you! How neat that you're using some art to inspire your writing, too.
Queeniepatch said…
I like this idea of card collages, you need a lot of creativity to make them, Then if you make a story based on the prompts on the card you activate your creativity even more. Excellent work in my opinion.
I definitely feel art has it's own language. I love what you wrote. So beautiful and so creative!
Art is definitely its own language. And my what a beautiful job you did of that collaged card. Collages may look easy but I know how tricky they can be. Well done!
Linda said…
Yes, you are so right about art as a language! Thank you for sharing your beautiful words about the collage card.

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