Work in Progress Wednesday

 Aw, my floofy book pages give me so much pleasure.  It would be easy to keep going and going on every single page.  I have to know when to stop!  I am eager to stitch them all together into a scroll too.  I don't want this project to go on forever but I also do want to keep playing with them.  

I actually stitched together some pieces and created another scroll.  I am trying to figure out how to get a photograph of something so long and skinny.  Maybe I could hang it outside on my clothesline to get a photo.  I have thought of a number of other scroll ideas too.  I can just picture a solo show of them!  Wouldn't that be fun!


Linda said…
That's a beautiful page! Looks like you are on to something that gives you joy. :)
Queeniepatch said…
I know a lady who used to make daily Stitch Meditations. She selected just a few scraps of fabric, some strands of thread and maybe a paper label, a pressed flower or a button and spent a few moments roughly stitching everything to a card.
When I see your post today, I think of those Stitch Meditations.

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