Slow Stitching Sunday

 This floofy book page is feeling like a bit of a disjointed mess to me.  These pages are meant to be slow stitching fun.  And they are, for sure.  But when I am not liking the way a page looks then what?  Do I call it finished and move on?  I sort of want to do that but I hate not finishing something.  It doesn't feel finished if I don't like it!  

I can wait until I stitch it into the scroll and then add to it.  I can put it to the bottom of the pile and revisit it at some point.  Both of those options are delaying a decision.  Sometimes that is what needs to be done.  I am okay with that.  There are other things that can I do in the meantime.  What a delight to have so many lovely stitching projects!

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Queeniepatch said…
I often find that something I have stitched or written will look/feel very different after some time. I think part of the creative process is to leave things to 'mature'. We can't have 100% inspiration and solutions 100% of the time.
I suggest you put this piece at the bottom of the pile and let it brew for a few weeks. I am sure you have plenty to do in between.
Quilter Kathy said…
I am a big fan of waiting! Sometimes when you come back to a project, you wonder what it was that you didn't like before!
Sarah said…
I'm a throw as much as I can at a project until it grows on me. It is such nice colours it seems a shame to abandon it!
Karrin Hurd said…
I love the colors of the piece, no matter what you do with it! Good luck
Kim said…
Oh yes, I am quite certain there are a lot of other pretties you have to work on and enjoy some slow stitching. Let this one sit for a bit if you are unsure.
Kim said…
Oh yes, I am quite certain there are a lot of other pretties you have to work on and enjoy some slow stitching. Let this one sit for a bit if you are unsure.
Hi Angela, sometimes all it needs is a time-out. You can always add or cover up things later! Take care.

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