Work in Progress Wednesday

 Earlier this summer I went through my stash of fabric experiments.  Obviously, not all experiments are successful.  Some that were successful were too small to do much with them.  I cut them into 6.5 inch squares.  Why that size?  Because I have a ruler that size.  It made it easy.  I have sewn all the squares together into a scroll.  Why a scroll and not a quilt?  I am not exactly sure.  I suppose I could still turn them into a small quilt but that doesn't really appeal to me.  

I love the idea of a scroll and have been working on a number of them.  I like the idea of rolling up these scrolls as they don't take a lot of space.  I like the idea of hanging them on a wall to display.  I can picture a wall filled with them!


Queeniepatch said…
I am sure the scrolls would look wonderful side by side on a wall!

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