Slow Stitching Sunday

 I added some stitching to this floofy book page this week.  I also added a bit of dimensional fabric paint.  I added it to the centre of my cross stitches in the upper left.  That is new for me.  I had never thought to do that in the past.  I quite like the way it looks.

A few weeks ago I started drawing and painting with my left hand, non-dominant hand.  I am seeing the results of how good that is for my brain and my art.  I am thinking just a bit differently.  I am seeing ways to improve my art.  

I can see the above piece could use more dark areas.  I edited the photo into black and white to help me see that.  I had learned of this trick many years ago but never implemented it.  Why now?  I like to think my brain is improving!

I am linking to


Quilter Kathy said…
So fun to try new techniques! The think I noticed about this piece is all the various fabric textures you used as a base! Enjoy your Slow Sunday Stitching!
Karrin Hurd said…
Lovely piece, and interesting idea.
So many pretty blues and greens in this one, Angela! It reminds me of a vase of flowers.
CathieJ said…
Personally, I like that page the way it is. The colors are fabulous. I am ambidextrous. I write left handed, but I knit and crochet right-handed. I can write right handed if necessary. I always find it difficult to understand the idea of a non-dominant hand. My husband is left handed and he really struggles when having to change hands to do things. Good luck with drawing and painting left handed.
I love the texture that your embroidery adds to your piece!
Queeniepatch said…
Good for you! We are never too old to try new things and it often leads to great discoveries and improvements.

The power of colour! Looking at the same photograph, in colour and in black and white, you can see where there is an imbalance. You can also see how your mood changes - the picture in colour is far more vibrant and 'happy' compared to the gloom in black and white.

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