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January 11  2024

Do you have plans or desires to learn something new this year? playing
the flute or running a marathon, water aerobics? French? Finally
clearing off the dining room table? Do you have a goal for this coming

I always have goals.  I like having a to do list. I don't need a new year to start my goals.  When something comes to mind I try to act on it right away.  I try to live a healthy life but am far from perfect.  Being a more successful artist has been a long term goal.  I should probably better define that goal.

I did consider taking a class at our local university.  Turns out seniors over the age of 60 can take classes for free.  I looked into this too late to start this term though.  I will need to get registered as a student so that I can take a class this spring.  There might not be much offered then so it might wait until the fall. I think it will be a fine arts class as I am always keen to become a better artist.

I have been listening to the Quit Sugar summit of podcasts.  I have long known sugar is bad for you and try to limit my consumption of it.  I like learning new things and now have even more reasons to get this horribly addictive 'drug'  out of my diet.  Yikes!  What it does to our brains!

I like playing Connections with my hubby.  Between the two of us we have figured out each puzzle.  We only started playing last week.  It is more challenging to do on your own which is probably better for your brain.  But, playing with someone you love is also good for your brain.

Thank you LeeAnna for the great questions!  Thank you for helping us to focus on the positive!


That is great that you can take the classes for free! I like the Connections game, too. I try to play Wordle, Connections, and the NY times mini crossword every evening!
Home Sewn By Us said…
Hi Anglea! I've never heard of Connections but it sounds like fun. We play Wordle every day when we remember. We had a 30-day streak going but often just celebrate a 5-day streak. We easily forget! HAHA. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
PaintedThread said…
I've been playing Connections with my Cutie, too. It's been fun. :-)
I forgot the prompt once again! I love playing all sorts of puzzles. I don't wait for the new year either. If I'm interested in something, I just go for it. I've never heard of connections. I'm going to look into it!
LA Paylor said…
constantly setting, reaching, changing goals all year... that is smart. I wonder if I can do free classes here.. hmmmm
connections? Gotta go see what that is

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