Work in Progress Wednesday

 I have started a new project.  I am stitching on Aida cloth.  This is not something I have done very often.  I don't care for the precision of it.  Finding the right hole to work through isn't really my thing.  However, I will persist.  I have divided the circle into twelve sections.  I will work in one section per month.  

I want to try different stitches.  I also want to do stitches, which I have done before but not often.  I will fill in each section each month.  It will be interesting to see at the end of the year.


Home Sewn By Us said…
Cross stitch isn't everyone's cuppa tea, and that's okay. I think what you've accomplished looks great! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Queeniepatch said…
This is an interesting project that I will enjoy following. How crowded will you make each 'piece of cake'? Packed with stitches or in clusters, like a sampler?

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