Work in Progress Wednesday

 In the depths of winter, I found myself painting this.  It is a large piece of cloth, much bigger than I usually work.  It started its life back in the summer when I had a family gathering.  I put the plain fabric on an easel and gave the children paints.  They all contributed their marks.  It was a lot of fun for me to add my marks to it.

It is an expressive abstract painting.  I know what I see in it but I wonder what others might see.  It is always fun to learn what others see coming through.  I am a little tempted to add some stitching to it.  I am not convinced that is the best idea though.  

There is an invitational art show coming up.  I am debating hanging this at that show.  It is not a juried show so it would definitely be hanging.  I don't consider myself a painter so the insecurities are really flying around my head.  I am not sure that I can work up the courage to do it.  


Queeniepatch said…
Oh, please do exhibit it. If not for your own sake, do it for the children who have contributed to it, they will have a thrill knowing their work is in a show!
I think it is a fabulous piece of art.

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