I Like

LeeAnna has asked us

What does your name mean?

are you named for someone? Do you like your name? Have you ever changed your name as you got older. Would you like a different name?

The name Angela means messenger or messenger of God.  

I am not named after a person in particular.  My mother thought I looked like an angel when I was born and thus the name Angela.  I do like my name.  I used to be called Angie when I was younger but I prefer Angela.  I always introduce myself that way now. I did not change my last name when I got married.  I know scandalous!

This photo is a slightly more up-to-date image of myself.  It is only about a year old.  I have started to grow my bangs out for a different look.  Liking photos of myself is a lot harder than liking my name.  Still, I am trying to be accepting of myself, my flaws and all.

A couple of days ago I saw a meme that really stuck with me.  It said 'They call us ugly to sell us sh*t.'  Isn't that the truth?  No wonder we have a hard time accepting our looks, ourselves.  I am on a mission to love myself no matter what!


Angela is a pretty name! It's good to accept ourselves, flaws and all. I have gotten better at that with age, I think!
Angie said…
Angela - well, of course I like your name, although I do prefer to be called Angie. To each their own! I don't have too many photos of myself, since I seem to be the one always taking the pictures, and that is fine by me! I agree that the marketing people are certainly conspiring against us - always trying to convince us that we need something! And especially these days, with AI - who knows what "real" is anymore? Loving ourselves as we are is so important! Linking up with Lee Anna this week - hope you'll stop by for a visit!
LA Paylor said…
See? the fact that we go through life, changing things like our name spelling or how we're introduced is so interesting. Accepting our looks and flaws is a lifelong journey for me, for most people. Since everyone has some gifts and some flaws it should be a given that we give each other acceptance and room to be... but humans being what they are....

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