Slow Stitching Sunday


I am still stitching my floofy pages.  This current batch is inching ever so closely to being sewn together.  I love seeing them come together into a scroll.  A new friend saw them and suggested I frame them individually and sell them.  I was honoured she even thought that was possible.

I would love to sell my art.  That is another whole job unto itself.  Wouldn't it be lovely to have a minion to do that!

I am linking with the lovely stitch artists at


  1. Those are fun! I always wish I could look at your fiber art up close and in person. Is there an arts and crafts show in your town that you could have a booth at? (We have one every August in our town.) I hear it's a lot of work to set up a booth, but might be worth it.

  2. Something tells me that you are happier creating than dealing with administrative matters. Just do what makes you happy.

  3. I really like the embellishments you have done on this page.

  4. Lovely the floofy pages the sequins give it a nice glow.

  5. Two good ideas for what can be done with your unique art. 1) frame each piece individually (or make some kind of greeting card or notebook cover...), 2) have someone else market and sell your art (why not get together with like-minded artists and share the work?)


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Princess Bubbles

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