Slow Stitching Sunday

I added even more yellow to this mandala.  Maybe it should have been green though.  Maybe I will whip the chain stitch with some green thread and I will like it better.  Decisions, decisions.  While I ponder that decision I will work on something else.  

The weather has been so gorgeous this week and I managed to get a lot of stitching time on my deck.  Delightful!  I am hoping that today is the same.

I am linking to


Queeniepatch said…
Green would maybe give more contrast to the purple... If you want to keep the yellow and add green, you could use Pekinese Stitch instead of whipping...
Wishing you another glorious week on the deck, and in the pool...
I like the yellows in this piece! Are the bits that look like flowers a special stitch? So pretty!
CathieJ said…
I like the yellow you added. I can see either green or lavender chain stitches in the alternate open spaces from the yellow. I always like yellow, pink and lavender together. This is so pretty.
Karrin Hurd said…
Another gorgeous piece. Happy stitching!
I like to stitch outside in our gazebo. Nice mandala

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