I Like

.  LeeAnna and the lovely ladies are discussing:

which events do you watch more on summer olympics? Did you ever think
you had a shot at competing in any sport? Which one is closest to
something you might be able to do well? Are there any events you are
kind of surprised are even events?

I am not into sports any more.  Yoga is my speed now.  When I was in high school I enjoyed gymnastics, track & field, and badminton.  I only did them for fun, not competition.  My friend, Cindy and I were an unbeatable badminton team in our gym class.  Well, that is until the gym teacher took the two of us on and single-handedly tromped us!

My hubby isn't into sports for which I am extremely grateful.  Therefore we don't watch any.  We don't have cable TV so I don't know how we could watch.  If it were easy to access the Olympics I might watch a few things.  I remember a million years ago watching the Winter Olympics.  Canada was in the finals for hockey.  I am not sure how it happened but we must have had 30 teenagers in our living all watching the game.  It was very exciting especially since we won gold.

I love the watercolour/mixed media journal page I created.  Don't those cool colours give you a chill?  We need all the help we can get with 99% humidity today.  I love summer but not the humidity so much.  I am not a high-energy person to start and the humidity makes it even harder to get moving!


Yoga sounds like the perfect sport for we who move slowly! I've only done a little bit of it, but have many friends who love it. Your watercolor page is lovely. Hope you're staying cool today!
Helen said…
That is a fabulous art journal page!
Susie H said…
That journal page is gorgeous -- one of my favorite color combos. Stay cool!

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