Slow Stitching Sunday

 So far only two stitches have been stitched into my sampler this month.  They both take up a fair amount of space in the August slice.  I will have to seek out smaller stitches for to fill in the rest of the space.  I am so pleased with the way this piece looks.  It is really coming together!  

It is such a lovely way to commemorate the year and to remind me of stitches.  There are so many beautiful stitches to learn!

I am linking to


  1. I am looking forward to seeing what you add to that wedge. I like the look of each of those stitches. So pretty.

  2. Beautiful stitching! Have a great week!

  3. Such an infinite variety of stitches to learn! Gss as il at the cozy quilter

  4. Two stitches on this lovely project is still progress. As they say, 'slow and steady wins the race.'

  5. The pizza slice shape has its problems - one of them is that you need small stitches to fill in the pointed area.
    The work is coming along nicely.

  6. Your stitches are very pretty. This will be an nteresting piece when it is finished.


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Princess Bubbles

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