Slow Stitching Sunday

 I enjoyed stitching my September slice.  I got out my book by Carole Samples Treasury of Crazy Quilt Stithes.  It has wonderful combinations of stitches.  I have had this book for years and never properly used it.  It uses basic stitches in interesting combinations.

So, I didn't really learn any new stitches but I did enjoy combining stitches in new ways.  I might find that more helpful in the long wrong.  

The weather has still been cooperative for stitching outside.  The week ahead looks good too.  I might get a jump start on my October slice.  It is sad to think about putting away the deck furniture but it can wait at least a week.

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Such a neat way to show off all those stitches! Gail at the cozy quilter
Karrin Hurd said…
Beautiful stitching as always. I have that Carole Samples boook!
That looks like fun stitching! I'm not ready to put the deck furniture away yet either. Have a wonderful Sunday!
Kim said…
Lots of creative embroidery in each slice. Sitting on your deck today stitching your pretty, does sound lovely.
CathieJ said…
It has been cool and cloudy here so our deck furniture will be covered soon also. The humidity has caused a slew of gnats to hatch so the outdoors is not real enjoyable right now. I like September's wedge. You may not have learned a new stitch, but you learned none the less.

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