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 LeeAnna asks

How was Christmas done in your childhood home/family?

example, if you woke earlier than the parents did you have to wait? Did the gifts go under the tree after you went to bed? did your family all exchange gifts? Did you dig in and all open your gifts at the same time or have to go around a circle opening one at a time? just examples, you tell us how Christmas was done in your family

Gifts were under the tree before Christmas.  My oldest brother used to sneak peeks of his so he was never surprised on Christmas morning.  I didn't peek because I like surprises.  I remember seeing one of my presents, in a not very good hiding place.  I was so sad.  It was a good present and I was happy to get it.  I just didn't like knowing about it in advance.

My family all dove in and opened our presents at the same time.  My husband's family went around the circle opening the gifts and that is the custom that we adopted with our children.  And now we do that with our grandchildren as well.  

When we got older we opened our gifts on Christmas Eve.  Christmas morning felt like a big letdown then.  I gave my kids and now grandkids PJs to open on Christmas Eve.  I considered stopping that tradition this year as pyjamas have gotten expensive.  But my oldest granddaughter is very excited for PJs this year.  She has a new baby sister and she is hoping to have matching PJs with her.  Adorable!  Of course, I had to fulfil that wish!

Christmas is such a tricky time of year.  It is filled with so much excitement and disappointment.  It has been years since I was excited for Christmas but I enjoy seeing my grandchildren excited.  That is fun.  


  1. LOVE this post. I relate. I also never peeked because it took away the anticipation. I get a let down about Christmas, not having family. We got family jammies (cuddle duds) the last two years, mama elf, daddy elf, poodle elf... lol
    I will keep Milo's pjs and remember how cuddly he looked in them, our little family unit.
    This year the tree is up because it lives up all year long. I plugged it in and the lights are uplifting.
    Glad you got jimjams for your grands

  2. Christmas is a tricky time of year for many people. I think my favorite holiday times were from when our kids were growing up, and it's always different when they leave home. I like surprises, too, and never wanted to snoop around to find gifts before Christmas morning either!

  3. Pretty mandala.

    Our rules were you could try guessing what was in the package, but you were not allowed to peel off the tape or rip any paper. We got pretty creative trying to guess what was in the packages! :-) Good memories.

  4. In Sweden, presents are usually opened in the afternoon or evening of Christmas Eve when everyone has gathered.
    In my family, when I was still in primary school, my brother and I dressed up as 'Santa's Helpers' and took turns to pick up a present that had been placed under the tree, read the label, and maybe the rhyme/clue, before handing it to the recipient. Then we all watched while the present was opened and admired before the next parcel was dealt with. It took quite a lot of time, but was great fun.


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