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LeeAnna has asked

did you ever receive a gift as a child/teen that you really wanted and were totally excited to receive? tell us about it. If not, have you ever gotten a great gift at Christmas?

Yes, I received a lovely baby doll when I was 5ish.  I still have that doll!  She has such a cute face.  If I weren't so lazy I would take a photo of her!  She is still in terrific condition because didn't play with her a lot.  I mostly just admired her.  My second granddaughter has taken a liking to her and enjoys carrying her around.  I LOVE that!  It warms my heart every time she does.  I remember my Mom made at least one outfit for her.  I don't know what happened to her original dress.  There was a lot of lace on it so it may have fallen apart.  

A favourite gift as an adult came from my sweet hubby.  He gave me a lovely strand of pearls.  I wore them constantly and had to have them restrung a few times.  I stopped wearing them when we had kids.  I should start wearing them again!  On second thought maybe not with grandbabies that like to grab.  

What fun to take a stroll down memory lane.  


  1. I really like your mandala today. Merry Christmas!

  2. My mom made made many clothes for our dolls way back then! I wonder what happened to them. It's wonderful that you still have that baby doll from long ago!

  3. what kind of doll? My favorite was chatty KATHY with the records. Barbie is the all time fave
    pearls, yes wear them when the grands aren't reaching distance


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