I Like

 There is always so much to like in life.  So much to be grateful for.  Sometimes we just need to slow down and recognize what we already have.

I spend a lot of time with people who are older than me.  That is not a complaint, I love these people.  My concern is that in time I might end up with no friends.  I know, kind of negative but I have been trying to be proactive and add younger friends into my life.  Well, looking for ways to do that.  I haven't been very successful in the way I thought I would be.  

Last week I invited my niece for an art day.  We have been doing an art day together each month since she moved back to Ontario.  She drives two hours to come see me!  We have so much fun together.  I laugh with her more than anyone else.  Others have caught wind of our art days and have asked to join us.  So last week there were six of us, seven if you count the baby.  

The room was full of younger people, all family.  We had so much fun.  All these beautiful women came together in a loving and supportive way.  All of these women/girls suggested doing it again during March break.

I also connected with another niece last week.  She and her daughters are planning to come for art day in the near future.  So it turns out I have an abundance of younger people in my life!  I am so grateful!

Stellar art it is NOT!  These are balloon prints and I think they look a little like pansies.  I am sure I can figure out a way to use this in a journal.  The point was having fun not producing.

Thank you to LeeAnna for letting me join in on the 'I Like' fun every Thursday!


  1. Your art group sounds like the perfect way to hang out with people who enjoy the same things that you do! I like those pansies, too.

  2. I see your worry. Having friends of various ages guarantees that we are not 'left alone' in the future, but it also provides us with a spectrum of ideas and opinions. Sticking only to one's own generation or a set age group limits our views.
    Your get-togethers sounds just the right thing to do.
    Keep up the good work.

  3. OMG, I feel the same way.... Most of my friends are older than I am. I wouldn't trade them for the world, but I do wonder what will happen in another decade or two. I hope that someone younger befriends me in a similar way. :-)

  4. How nice and I'd say you were successful! You had an art day that was so much fun that another will hopefully get scheduled. Then another group wanted in on the fun too so BONUS FUN DAY on the horizon. I love the art -- first thing I saw was pansies too!


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Princess Bubbles

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