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LeeAnna has asked

Feb20 2025

do you give yourself the same compassion and understanding that you give to your family and friends?

The simple answer is not always but I am getting better at it.  The not good enough criticism runs through my brain and I believe it.  That is until I recognize/realize what I am saying to myself.  At that point, I say, ' Oh, you are doing that again'.  Often that is enough to get me off that unhelpful track and onto loving myself better.  I am a work in progress as we all are!

Feb 27 2025

do you compliment your mate/partner and does he compliment you? What kind of compliment feels best to you, and to him?

I do like to compliment my partner, well anyone really.  I am even learning to compliment myself.  In truth, those are the compliments that really matter.  If someone else gives me a compliment but I don't truly believe it then the compliment means nothing.  

I like to travel.  Especially during the winter!  Going someplace warm is such a treat.  I am so excited to leave tomorrow and get away from all the snow.  Our deck is completely buried.  The streets are so narrow two cars can barely get by at the same time.  The snow banks are at least 5 feet high.  The weather is supposed to get a bit warmer next week, yay!  Hopefully, there will be a lot less snow when we return.

I like that I have a son who can come to stay at our house and look after our dog while we are gone.


  1. I forgot all about the prompt this week. I do think we're rougher on ourselves than others. I know I have to stop myself from being too critical of myself. Enjoy your trip!

  2. oooo a son who pet sits.... priceless! Have fun, relax, explore

  3. I think we all deal with the "not good enough" thinking - it's hard to get past that. But yes, we are all also a work in progress, too! Have a wonderful time on your trip, Angela!

  4. You are blessed with many good things, like the opportunity to travel and have a housesitter for when you are away.
    The snow is troublesome but you have a cosy house to stay in - and snow is lovely to look at from inside the warm house, isn't it?
    I think we should accept and appreciate the compliments we receive, after all, they are the other person's opinion.
    Furthermore, I think we should learn and train ourselves to compliment ourselves.


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Princess Bubbles

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